Monday, October 6, 2008

Color Schemes

Color schemes are basically colors that we know work well together. For your Pop Art assignment you will need to paint your images using 4 color schemes. They are:

Warm and Cool

Monochromatic means using 1 color plus it values (tints and shades)

"Olives 1"

Analagous mean 3 to 5 colors next to each other on the color wheel


Complementary colors are across from each other on the color wheel: red/green, orange/blue, yellow/violet

"Complementary (Orange/Blue)"

Warm colors are red, orange, and yellow. Blue colors are blue, green, and violet.
"Cool vs. Warm" by Mike G. K.
Challenge: Start opening your eyes and looking around you. Where do you find these color schemes? Can you find them in nature? Posters and advertisement or billboards? Do know of artwork or have artwork that uses these color schemes? Post your finds so we can all see them!
How can knowing these color schemes help you in your everday life? When might you need to know this?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pop Art

Pop Art began in the United States in the 1960's. Pop artists used images from billboards, comic strips, advertisements, etc for their artwork. They took everyday items and turned them into art such as Andy
Warhol's Campbell's Soup Can. What common everyday
items do you find interesting?

For this assignment, you need to consider what objects and images would be considered Pop Art today. From
that, choose an image. We will be duplicating that image four times, a common format used by Andy Warhol. Think about your composition. How big does it need to be? Where should it be placed? Does it create interesting negative space?

Your image needs to be painting using four color schemes. More about that later!

Roy Lichtenstein
In the Car